7 Chakra Crystal Kit
7 Chakra Crystal Kit
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What are the 7 Chakras?
Chakra is the Sanskrit word for a wheel or disk. We have seven main chakras that align along the spine, starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. These chakras are a spinning vortex of energy that can be seen, felt and sensed with our intuition.
This invisible healing energy, called prana, is a vital life force. Chakras store good or bad energy. This energy can be based on past experiences,thoughts, memories,feelings, and actions. Chakras are viral to us since they influence and guide our present and future behaviors, mindsets, emotional and physical health, and decisions making.
This life force in each chakra can be processed, transmuted or released so that we can consciously manifest what we need or wish. We are able to heal our trauma rather than continue to live in misalignment.
Crystal healing allows us to align our seven main chakras.
Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Red Jasper helps us set a good foundation; as we can't build anything solid with out it. The foundation of the human body develops from age 1-7 and located at the base of the spine. If anything blocks our root chakra we will feel afraid and weak. When we work on opening our Root Chakra we will grow more grounded and confident. Red Jasper aids our root chakra to connect our body, mind, and soul to Mother Earth.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) - Carnelian helps align our sacral chakra which is located bellow the navel and develops from 8-14 years of age. This chakra is the centre of our feelings, it allows us to connect on our emotions. It's also connected to our sexuality, our sexual expression and our creativity. A blockage in this chakra can show as insecure, attachment and as co-dependent (emotionally). Working with Carnelian will rebuild our confidence, our sexual desires and stamina and allows us to establish our emotions in a healthy way.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Yellow Jasper empowers our "GUT FEELING". Our Solar Plexus is located behind the naval region bellow the ribs, and it develops from 15-21 years of age. This chakra is in charge of our intuition and knowing what's good or bad for us. It also controls self-confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness. That feeling of butterflies also derives from our Manipura. When this chakra is blocked we may feel ashamed, unable to take responsibility, have self-doubt and very low self esteem. This blockage can also manifest as intestinal issues. Working with Yellow Jasper and placing it on your solar Plexus chakra can aid a lot of these issues. Once you open your solar Plexus you will be able to express yourself freely with out feeling discouraged.
Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Green Aventurine can calm and air heart aches. Our Heart chakra develops from 15-21 years of age and is located just above the heart in the middle of our chest. Our Heart Chakra connects our lower chakras to our upper chakras. Our lower chakras are more associated with materiality vs our top chakras are more of our spirituality chakras. Our heart chakra allows us to be able to receive and give love, and helps us be empathetic towards other and ourselves. If our heart chakra has a blockage it will show as stress, anger, emotional conflict and a disability to emotionally open up to others. Unblocking this chakra is vital as we all need love and can bring us an incense amount of happiness.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddah) - Lapis Lazuli will open up our throat chakra and help us speak our truth. The throat chakra is located in the center of our neck and is responsible for our voice. It allows us to connect our voice with our heart and speak up for ourselves truthfully and with emotion. A misalignment with the throat chakra can manifest with lies to ourselves and others. A closed throat chakra can also gives us social anxiety and blurring our words with out any thoughts the can get us into trouble. Working with Lapis will aid the truthfulness and allows us to connect with our true voice.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) - Amethyst allows us to be able to connect to the Devine, to connect with our soul. The third eye chakra is located between our eyebrows and is responsible for connecting us to the truth. Our third eye chakra aids our intuition, our wisdom our soul. Our Third Eye Chakra connects us to the world beyond the physical the unseen think of this chakra as the eye to the soul. If your third eye is blocked it will show as not being able to envision yourself in the future. A blockage can manifest itself as a narrow mindset and not being able to see the bigger picture. Your imagination will close off as well with a blockage in this chakra, lack of memory is also a sign. Working with amethyst will open up this chakra placing it between the eyebrows as you meditate is a great way to start.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - Crystal quartz is our universal healer and is used to help our crow chakra. As humans we will never truly reach a complete balance of our crown chakra for that we would have to reach nirvana and we simply aren't able to. If our Crown Chakra is closed it will show with signs of unwillingness, it will not allow us to be open to new knowledge or ways of thinking. A lack of connection to the world, hyper spiritualization, a lack of focus and scatter brained can all be signs of a blocked crown chakra. Working with the healer crystal will aid the crow chakra as well as all the other chakras.
Most of our products come from Argentina, Peru, Madagascar, Central America, Mexico, and the United States.
We pride ourselves on our products’ quality and the integrity we obtain and bring them to you. We honor and support the preservation of the Americas’ indigenous practices and support the following non-profits: WEWIN (Women Empowering Women for Indigenous Nations), SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans), Amazon Promise.
(Please note: Information on this website is no substitute for consulting a healthcare professional. All information on this website, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products, and treatments, is only for informational and entertainment purposes. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements, or exercise programs.)